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By: Lilly Prince

There’s no need to sweat your energy bill this summer when you employ the following tricks:

1. Unplug electronics when not in use

Some electronic devices drain power even when you’re not using them, so if you can, pull their plugs after use. If this is a hassle (here’s looking at you, back of giant entertainment center), consider buying a smart power strip (around $30), which automatically cuts power when devices don’t need it.

2. Invest in energy-efficient thermal curtains

Thermal curtains will help keep sunlight out and cool air in. An added bonus is that they also reduce heat loss in the winter.

3. Don’t overlook the overhead fan

Ceiling fans circulate and cool air, which might allow you to delay turning on the air conditioning in the morning or at night while you sleep.

4. Let PNM control your air conditioning

PNM Power Saver is a free program that helps relieve times of peak electricity demand. You still control your thermostat the way you normally would. However, on select summer weekdays when electricity demand soars, your refrigerated air conditioning unit is automatically put into a conservation mode. PNM Power Saver typically turns off your compressor for only a few minutes per half-hour from 1pm-8pm on certain summer weekdays. Contact PNM for more information.

5. Get your home’s energy efficiency inspected

For $40, a PNM technician will visit your home and identify areas where you can save on electricity. The technician will also install energy-efficient light bulbs, a low-flow showerhead and faucet aerators. You will also get smart power strips and an LED nightlight. Low-income residents who qualify can get the assessment for free.

6. Add insulation

Don’t let energy slip through cracks in your walls. Seal them easily with spray foam insulation.

7. Hang laundry outside

The dryer is one of the biggest energy suckers in your home. Reduce use (and unnecessary heat) by hanging your clothes in the sun. This will also give them that luxurious fresh air smell.